Erigo's Journey From Local Brand to International Brand

  By : Valeshia Trevana Ruang Jurnalis, Medan. Indonesia has a lot of potential to develop the Indonesian brand to penetrate the international world. Of course, penetrating the international world is not an easy thing. However, this Indonesian brand called Erigo has managed to overcome difficulties to penetrate Time Square, New York. Erigo is a brand that focuses on fashion for women and men. Erigo wants to present products for young people who want to look trendy, semi-formal, casual and comfortable. Muhammad Sadad founded Erigo in 2013. The target of the Erigo brand is the Millennial Generation and Generation Z. Sadad first sold his clothing line at Pop-Up Store Events such as the Jackcloth store and so on. In 2016, Erigo succeeded in attracting the attention of the Indonesian Local Independent Brand Community. Sadad also succeeded in increasing his workforce by 50 people. Erigo expanded its warehouse by 400 m 2 . In 2019, Erigo opened a shop to expand its target market.

The Trend of Public Figure Cloning Using AI, Turns Out to be Dangerous!


By : Valeshia Trevana

Ruang Jurnalis, Medan. Lately there's been a trend of cloning the voices of public figures, like Ariana Grande sings the song Komang or Jokowi sings the song Asmalibrasi. If you listen to it, it's funny too. This sound clone using technology whis is improving, namely Artificial Inteligence (AI).

Simply by recording someone's voice, this software can make someone's voice imitation of a word typed on the keyboard. Not only sound, vibration, pitch, flow of speech, and breathing can also be imitated by this technology.

Voice cloning technology using AI has become a new trigger for cyber fraud, as happened to the parents of a Canadian man with the initials BP, who lost thousands of dollars. The fraudster claimed to be BP and told BP's parents that he needed money for legal fees for the case of the shooting of an American diplomat. BP's parents sent US$15,000 in legal fees or 207 million rupiah.

Similar to BP's parents, a grandmother with the initials RC also received a call from an unknown person claiming to be RC's grandson. The fraudster claimed that he was the grandson of RC who was imprisoned and needed legal fees. RC sent legal fees of 2,207 dollars or 33.8 million.

Apart from BP's parents, a mother from Arizona, United States also experienced fraud due to this AI voice cloning. The woman with the initials JD admits that she was almost tricked by a fraudster who used an AI voice clone who claimed to have kidnapped her child.

At first, JD picked up the phone from an unknown number, before long he heard the voice of a girl aged around 15 who he believed was his daughter's voice. On the other end of the phone, a girl's voice was heard crying saying, "mom, I messed up", then the call was taken over by a man. The man criticized JD and demanded US$1 billion in money which was later negotiated to US$50,000. The scam failed when a friend called her husband that their child was safe with her.

Reporting from a report by The Washington Post, throughout 2022, the crime of phone fraud with AI technology is the second biggest crime. The victims of this case reached 36,000 victims where more than 5,000 of them were committed via telephone lines. Total losses from this fraud amounted to 169 billion.


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