Erigo's Journey From Local Brand to International Brand

  By : Valeshia Trevana Ruang Jurnalis, Medan. Indonesia has a lot of potential to develop the Indonesian brand to penetrate the international world. Of course, penetrating the international world is not an easy thing. However, this Indonesian brand called Erigo has managed to overcome difficulties to penetrate Time Square, New York. Erigo is a brand that focuses on fashion for women and men. Erigo wants to present products for young people who want to look trendy, semi-formal, casual and comfortable. Muhammad Sadad founded Erigo in 2013. The target of the Erigo brand is the Millennial Generation and Generation Z. Sadad first sold his clothing line at Pop-Up Store Events such as the Jackcloth store and so on. In 2016, Erigo succeeded in attracting the attention of the Indonesian Local Independent Brand Community. Sadad also succeeded in increasing his workforce by 50 people. Erigo expanded its warehouse by 400 m 2 . In 2019, Erigo opened a shop to expand its target market.

Look Both Ways: Every Action Has Consequences


Ruang Jurnalis - Every action must have a consequence. In the future, the consequences of an action have two sides that are inversely proportional to reality or reality itself. This is what is depicted in the film Look Both Ways.

In Indonesian, look both ways means looking in both directions. The film Look Both Ways tells about a pair of students named Natalie and Gabe who engage in promiscuity which causes these students to be unable to continue their lives like fresh graduate students in general.

The film Look Both Ways presents two storylines that describe the two sides of life between Natalie and Gabe, but the plots are still in line and understandable. This film depicts Natalie's real life and Natalie's life if she didn't have children.

The film Look Both Ways illustrates that even though Natalie and Gabe regret their actions, they still bear the consequences and raise their children well. Even though it took a long time, both Natalie and Gabe were able to achieve their goals.

This film is well packaged so that this message reaches the audience well. In addition, this film wraps the film neatly so that it is seen that all parties, both men and women, are equally responsible for their mistakes.


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